Dear Colleagues,

Magnus' email has prompted me to an act of shameless self-promotion.  It doesn't feel natural but . . . . !

My new book, Integrating Writing Strategies in EFL/ESL University Contexts: A Writing-across-the-Curriculum Approach, has just been published by Routledge.

This book explains writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) methods in clear, accessible English for colleagues in the EFL/ESL discipline and in other disciplines. It is the result of my recent experiences consulting with teachers in EFL/ESL and various other disciplines at universities in several countries who want to achieve stronger student writing outcomes but who are unfamiliar with WAC pedagogy.

For those of you who are experienced in WAC pedagogy, much of the book will be familiar. However, I hope you will recommend it as a resource for EFL/ESL and other disciplinary colleagues and perhaps also suggest it to your librarian or the head of your teaching and learning center or writing center.  

And of course, I am interested in your responses if you have a chance to read any part of it! You could email me at [log in to unmask].

Thank you so much!

Jennifer Craig