


I recently added a new hard drive in my laptop (Windows 7 64 bit with 8gb RAM) and re-installed CCPN along with my old Antivirus (Norton Security Suite by Comcast). During one of the scans, one of the components of Norton recognized analysis as a threat and tried to uninstall it. Just wanted to report that in case something can be done.

The second question is regarding the default location that pops up when I click on File -> Open Project every time I start analysis. Right now, it always starts out at the Desktop and I have to meander my way to the directory of my data files. I was wondering if there was a way to set a location under 'Preferences' which can be the new default and is saved so that it works every time you start analysis. If not, can this be added in a future update?

Thank you,
Abhishek Mandal

van der Wel lab
University of Pittsburgh, USA