

While I have a deep and abiding dislike of all monotheisms for a range of reasons both dogma specific and general, I have to agree, having thought about the effects of a very loose approach, with other posters that this is a list intended solely for the discussion of magic.


Granted, there are many links between magic and religion, but the email below does not seek to make any connections to magic or esotericism.


There are a number of interesting questions that might be asked, either in terms of the magical aspects of Islamic ritual or perhaps by exploring contemporary Islamic movements (and indeed extremist Christian movements in Africa) in specific relation to the resurrection of direct violence against pracitioners of magic.


It's not an area I'm especially interested in or knowledgeable about, so I wouldn't attempt to pose the questions. As cathartic (and potentially valuable) as a good rant about the current cultural myopia regarding violence carried out in the name of Islam can be, I would agree with other posters that this is not the place to post it.



From: Society for The Academic Study of Magic [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of OLUWATOYIN ADEPOJU [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 30 September 2012 15:34
To: [log in to unmask]


                                                                                                             Humans Against Violent Islam 

Violent Muslims have declared war on the human race.


They kill at will people whom they see as offending their religion.  They are working hard in various countries in using violence to force people to live by their religion. They are also fighting other Muslims to force them to live according to the harsh forms of Islam supported by these violent Muslims.  


Nobody is safe from these barbarians.


The human race must fight back.


One of them struck in the Netherlands, killing Theo van Gogh for directing a film criticizing Islam’s record on women. A Channel 4 television documentary in England investigating the history of Islam had to be canceled because the makers of the film received death threats. We still remember the death sentence placed on the head of Salman Rushdie for his Satanic Verses novel which some Muslims saw as being against Islam. The latest outrage against the sanctity of human life comes from the murder of the US ambassador to Libya and members of his staff, the total destruction of the embassy building and the killing of other people  in the Arab world in protest against a film mocking Muhammad, the founder of Islam. A Muslim cleric has placed a death sentence on the heads of the makers of the film which he urges Muslims everywhere to execute.


This nonsense, this barbarism, this wanton bloodletting in the name of imposing the vision of one religion on the world must come to an end. It will not come to an end through dialogue since these violent Muslims are drunk on their ability to kill at will. Once these orgies of killing begin anywhere, like-minded Muslims elsewhere take them up, leading to multiple deaths, often of innocent people. Even some Muslims who did not take part in this lust for blood jubilate at the demonstration of power to take life in their name of their religion shown by their compatriots.


 This culture has been ongoing for decades, in Muslim dominated countries and in countries with fewer Muslims. In the Arab world, in Africa and the West. These religion maddened creatures are closed to reason. They must be stopped using the language they understand, the language of force.


Humans everywhere need to take action against this deadly mind set.  We need to liberate ourselves from the danger and fear of violent Islam which grips people everywhere.


In striking back and protecting our future, we cannot descend to the level of the bloodthirsty barbarians by adopting their culture of murder and destruction of what belongs to others.


What shall we do?


We shall attack what they claim to defend on account of which they reserve the right to murder people at will, anywhere, anytime.


We shall attack what represents their religion.


We shall criticize Muhammad, the founder of their religion. We shall draw attention to his antics with women and his collection of wives.  We shall point to his marriage to a girl who was not even a teenager, an interest in marrying children still practiced by Muslims in some countries. We shall address his spreading of his religion by the sword, destroying entire civilizations in the process. We shall focus on how his followers have carried on his tradition of violent propagation of religion, even to this day. We shall describe his demeaning attitudes towards women, which are evident in the Koran, the scripture he composed, and the Hadiths, accounts of his sayings and actions.


We shall examine the subjugations women suffer in the name of Islam in some Muslim countries.


We shall question whether the verses expressed by Muhammad are really dictated by the creator of the universe, as he claimed, or were created by Muhammad himself. Why do they contain so many injunctions to violence and appeals to crude and cruel attitudes? Is that a demonstration of the character of the creator of the universe?


We shall probe into everything anti-human about Islam.


We shall use all tools at our disposal. Cartoons. Films. Essays. Demonstrations. Books.


We shall mock. We shall engage in serious criticism.


We shall do what we like with this religion, to prove to its adherents that the human race is not cowed by its bloodthirsty members.


Our interest is not in attacking individual Muslims. We are not even interested in denigrating Islam. All religions have their positive and negative qualities. Islam has contributed to the world as other religions and ideologies have.


 Our attack is directed against the belief of those Muslims who choose to sacrifice the lives of human beings to their religion. We are determined to show them that we, the members of the human race, are even more determined than ever to attack what those Muslims take human lives in order to defend or spread.


Our goal is to destroy once and for all the belief that anyone can take human life just because they think their ideology is offended or because they want to force others to practice their brand of religion.


We are out to demolish the culture of destruction of life represented by violent Islam. 

Comparative Cognitive Process and Systems
"Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge"

Comparative Cognitive Process and Systems
"Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge"