

Dear SPM experts,

I was wondering if you could just check my logic to make sure I am on the right path with my analysis (or redirect me as necessary!). I am running a PET experiment with two groups (treatment and placebo) over two time points (baseline and post-treatment). From what I can tell from the list archives, the simplest approach seems to be to calculate a subtraction image (baseline - post-treatment) then run unpaired t-tests to identify differences. The t-contrast would be 1, -1 to identify regions of greater metabolism at post-treatment (compared to baseline) in the treatment group (compared to placebo).

Any comments would be greatly appreciated - just getting my head around the meaning of contrasts when a subtraction image has been calculated has nearly killed me!

Kind regards,

- Charles

Charles Malpas 
Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) / PhD Candidate
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences & Department of Medicine (RMH)
The University of Melbourne 3010

Melbourne Brain Centre @ RMH
Neuropsychiatry Research Group 
Level 4, Main Building, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Phone: 0451 116 434
Email: [log in to unmask]
Skype: charles.malpas