

Dear Jordan,

Have you looked at Marko Wilke's papers for VBM in children?

How old are the children in your sample? If very young, you could use the 33 atlases in two-year olds from Gousias IS et al. Neuroimage 2008, available via

If older, you can probably register adult atlases, with the usual caveats (the further away from your sample, the more bias). You can for example get the adult atlases corresponding to the Gousias et al. 2008 paper via a free academic licence from me.


All the best,


Alexander Hammers, MD PhD

Chair in Functional Neuroimaging
Neurodis Foundation
Postal Address:
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Visiting Reader; Honorary Consultant Neurologist
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Imperial College London, UK
Honorary Reader in Neurology; Honorary Consultant Neurologist
Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery/ Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK

On 5 août 2012, at 20:17, Jordan Constance wrote:

Hello SPM experts,

I have a few questions. I would like to run a comparison of manual tracing versus SPM/VBM. More specifically, we're looking at the caudate in children with ADHD versus controls.

Question #1: What is the best way to do an ROI study using VBM/SPM? Is there a particular toolbox that I can use to make the masks? Or are there masks that are already created that I can use?

#2: Can the above toolbox be used for pediatric brains? Do any changes need to be made or precautions taken with the standard protocol?

#3: Is there some manual or tutorial out there in cyberspace that tells me how to do this? If there is, I haven't found it yet...

Thanks so much for your help!


Jordan Constance, B.S.
Graduate Research Assistant
Child Clinical Psychology
Southern Illinois University Carbondale