

Dear SPMers,

I am processing a quite large number of fmri ASL and BOLD subjects, and I have encountered an issue with the amount of data I am generating. With over 100 subjects, I need almost 1Tb of disk space (174 scans per subject). The culprit, I've found, is the coregistration of the fmri data to the structural scan: the output of this step generates 174 registered scans for each study, all with the voxel size (and subsequent file size) of the T1 image.

I cannot find a way of removing this step, as I will need to apply the unfied segmentation seg.mat file to finally all scans to MNI, necessary for level 2 analyses. Are there any tricks out there to sort this out? I can't hold 1Tb+ of data for this study alone...

Thank you very much!

