


I think one way you can use is performing one-sample t-test (on the
zFC*.img) within each group. Then create a mask (only including the voxels
with significant positive correlations) for each group. And then make a
union of these two masks for between-group analysis.

One concern about this way is a multiple comparison issue. The union mask
brought some information to the between-group analysis. For a voxel inside
this mask, it's significant in one group, but could be either significant
or insignificant in other group. E.g., for those voxels is significant
(positive) in group 1 but not significant in group 2, it's more easily find
significant higher activity in group 1 than group 2. By bringing such an
information into between-group analysis, there should be a multiple
comparison issue. I am not very sure how to address such an issue
appropriately, probably other experts could provide more thoughts.



On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:46 AM, KimMJ <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  Dear experts..
> I'm analyzing seed-based functional connectivity in resting-state data
> using SPM8 and REST software.
> I've found that some published studies have compared only positive
> correlation maps (and excluding negative correlations) between the groups,
> because there are much controversy with regard to negative or
> anti-correlated networks (? regressing out global signals).
> And my question is:
> How can I make each zFC*.img (z-trasnformed FC map) that contain only
> positive correlations ?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> P. Kim