

 Dear SPM Experts,

I am wondering what the consequences are of running realignment on already
realigned data in my particular case.  The data set I am using has been
preprocessed before using SPM, but I am redoing it by starting with the
same original .img/.hdr files used before (deleting the smoothed and warped
files prepended with 's' and 'sw' and using the files that are ostensibly
unaltered by preprocessing).  The option to create a mean image only was
selected during realignment and no other new files (such as those appended
with the 'r' prefix or any .mat files) were created in the input folder
during either preprocessing attempt.

I am wondering if this realignment process in SPM overwrites the original
.img/.hdr files in any way and what the consequence of *re-*realigning
images (accidental or otherwise) would be downstream in the analysis in
this case (e.g. added step of interpolation, reduced spatial resolution, or
perhaps something even less desirable of which I am unaware).

Thank you for your help,

Jared Torre
Doctoral Student
UCLA Department of Psychology
1285 Franz Hall
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