

medieval-religion: Scholarly discussions of medieval religion and culture

Pierre Heliot and Georges Jouven, "L'eglise Saint-Pierre de Chartres et l'architecture du moyen age," Bulletin archeologique du comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, n.s., VI (1970), 134ff are not very kind to poor Gilduin.  After the 1134 fire destroyed the roof of the church, they began to rebuild the choir but found themselves short of funds: "Les moines, se demandant comment réunir les ressources nécessaires à l'achèvement de l'ouvrage, se rappelèrent opportunément qu'on avait enterré dans le choeur un jeune chanoine breton nommé Gédouin, mort en odeur de sainteté en 1076 ou 1077.  Aussi s'efforcèrent-ils de retrouver dans le sol boulversé par les ouvriers la tombe dont ils avaient oublié l'emplacement.  Lorsqu'on creusa les fondations du mur provisoire qui devait clore le nouveau choeur du côté de la nef, on finit par découvrir fortuitement le caveau cherché, au milieu de l'ancien choeur et non loin de la chaire abbatiale.  On exhuma les précieuses reliques, puis on les transféra dans la chapelle Saint-Nicolas en 1165 pour les présenter à la vénération des fidèles.  La publicité aidant, appuyée du témoignage de quelques miracles diligemment colportés, le peuple accourut et versa de nouvelles offrandes qui, recueillies dans la caisse de la fabrique, permirent de poursuivre les travaux."  

They further editorialize that monastic communities, particularly in the 11th and 12th centuries, abused the supposedly fortuitous discoveries of holy bodies which were lost and whose memory had been more or less effaced.  They point out the frequent coincidence of these events with major building campaigns, which has made them skeptical of the authenticity of such relics and the sincerity of the beneficiaries, many of them being deliberate falsifications.

From: medieval-religion - Scholarly discussions of medieval religious culture [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Christopher Crockett [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: August 27, 2012 9:51 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [M-R] Feasts and Saints of the Day: August 25

medieval-religion: Scholarly discussions of medieval religion and culture

From: John Dillon <[log in to unmask]>

> [St.] Louis (at left; at right, St. Gilduin) as depicted in glass in the
église Saint-Père in Chartres (photograph courtesy of Gordon Plumb):

my dim memory is that Gilduin died on a visit to Chartres and was planted in
the abbey of St. Peter there.

his relics/tomb were rediscovered in the early 12th c. and that discovery was,
perhaps, partly responsible for a building pre-Gothic campaign in the

the upper windows of the apse are, of course, a century or more later.

why Louis (a freshly minted saint?) is there in such a prominent place and,
apparently, juxtaposed with Gilduin is an interesting question.

perhaps the king gave some money for the 13th c. building campaign?

i suppose i'll have to read Meredith Lillich's fine monograph on the St.
Peter's glass sometime

Meredith P. Lillich. The Stained Glass of Saint-Pere De Chartres
Wesleyan University Press, 1978.

that would seem to be a shame, since i've been putting the task off for so
many decades...


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