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QMCECS and the Department of English, QMUL


Date: Saturday 15 September, 9:45 am - 7 pm

Venue: Lock-keeper's Cottage, Mile End Campus, E1 4NS

Attendance: Attendance at the conference, including lunch and drinks,
is free, but space is limited. To register and for further details,
please contact Dr. Jenn Chenkin and

Dr. Tessa Whitehouse at [log in to unmask]


This interdisciplinary conference will explore relations between book
production, distribution and content to re-examine our notions of
textual culture in the eighteenth century. Taking intersections in
current scholarship between Book History and Literary Studies as its
starting point, it will explore the ways in which we can expand our
knowledge of eighteenth-century literary production by revisiting the
circumstances of material life in the period.


The book as object is fraught with issues of critical feedback, textual
instability, editorial intervention and branding, all of which challenge
our notions of author-ity.  By focusing on cultural exchange, the
conference will pursue questions about the significance and necessity of
viewing material culture and print in conjunction. It will address
theoretical and historical understandings of the complex ideological,
technological and social processes that bear on the creation of print.



9:45-10:15       Registration and tea/coffee


10:20-11:20     Keynote: Professor James McLaverty (Keele), 'Troublesome
Works: Swift in 1735 and Other Problem Authors'


11:30-1:15       Panel 1: The London Trade in Words

                        Jennifer Batt (Oxford), 'Miscellanies and the
Poetic Canon'

Hazel Wilkinson (UCL), 'Printers' Flowers as Evidence in the
Identification of Unknown Printers: Two Examples from 1715'

Kelly Centrelli (RHUL), '"The Drapier is Set up and Wood is Cry'd Down":
Ephemeral Performative Response to Swift's Drapier's Letters, 1723-25'

Jennifer Chenkin (QMUL), '"That spirit of uncommon disinterestedness":
Robert Dodsley's Correspondence'


1:15-2:00         Lunch


2:05-3:25         Panel 2: The Paratexts of Print

Mark Yates (Salford/Ghent), 'William Blake and the Chapbook: Exploring
the Formats of the Early Illuminations'

Adam James Smith (Sheffield), 'Real and Imagined Sites of Textual
Production in Joseph Addison's The Free-Holder'

Michelle Wallis (Cambridge), 'Performing in Print: "Public Practice" and
the Quacks of Early Modern London'


3:25-3:45         Tea


3:45-4:45         Panel 3: Textual Circulation in Europe

                        Laura Carnelos (Venice), 'Venice and the "common

Nick Treuherz (Manchester), 'Importing Banned Books: A Book History
Perspective on Cultural Transfer of the Materialist Philosophy from
France to Germany in the Enlightenment'


4:50-5:50         Keynote: Dr John Hinks (Leicester), '"Life, the
Universe and Everything?" The Scope and Structure of Book History' 


6:00-6:45         Drinks


7:00-9:30         Conference Dinner (The Empress, Lauriston Road)



Best wishes, 


Ms Alice Ford-Smith

Principal Librarian

Dr Williams's Library
14 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0AR

