


So: to clarify.

There is a patch for the glite3.2 1.8.2 DPM. I was hoping Matt would
link to it for me ;), but it's here:

When you upgrade to this, you need to also apply the mitigation I
linked to in the earlier email. (Otherwise, your dpm and dpnsdaemons
will repeatedly segfault whenever they try to fork new threads.)


On 30 August 2012 15:46, Alessandra Forti <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> PS which section of the scripts whould I use? At the beginning of only in
> start?
> On 30/08/2012 15:29, Sam Skipsey wrote:
>> This is the globus threading issue (it applies to 1.8.3 and to the
>> patch to 1.8.2 for glite3.2).
>> Sam
>> On 30 August 2012 15:23, Alessandra Forti <[log in to unmask]>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your help. I'll look at the db entries now.
>>> Which patch and globus thread in case this isn't sufficient?
>>> cheers
>>> alessandra
>>> On 30/08/2012 15:15, Matt Doidge wrote:
>>>> Heya,
>>>>> our DPM is segfaulting again and often with dpm and srmv2.2 crashing.
>>>>> Dropping the request table and rebuilding the database hasn't had any
>>>>> beneficial- at least not for long. I recall it might be a problem with
>>>>> incomplete entries in the database and you had a SQL update from
>>>>> Ricardo
>>>>> to eliminate them. Is that correct? Could you let me know it, otherwise
>>>>> I'll ask Ricardo.
>>>> The original problem at Lancaster was that we had requests being put in
>>>> for replicas that not only didn't exist, but were on disk pools that no
>>>> longer exist.
>>>> These were identified using:
>>>> Making sure that "select * from dpm_fs;" only shows existing hosts).
>>>> select poolname, host, fs, sfn from cns_db.Cns_file_replica where host
>>>> not in (select distinct server from dpm_db.dpm_fs);
>>>> (get requests)
>>>> select from_surl, pfn from dpm_db.dpm_get_filereq where server not in
>>>> (select distinct server from dpm_db.dpm_fs);
>>>> (put requests)
>>>> select to_surl, pfn from dpm_db.dpm_put_filereq where server not in
>>>> (select distinct server from dpm_db.dpm_fs);
>>>> (pending requests)
>>>> select to_surl, pfn from dpm_db.dpm_pending_req where server not in
>>>> (select distinct server from dpm_db.dpm_fs);
>>>> We then got brutal and (after making sure we had backed it up) we
>>>> removed
>>>> all the entries that should be from the database.
>>>> However the last time DPM had a segfaulting issue the only way to fix it
>>>> was to install the glite 3.2 patch, which wasn't too hard (once we
>>>> remembered the globus thread tweak), and we've been plain sailing since.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Matt
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> alessandra
>>> --
>>> Facts aren't facts if they come from the wrong people. (Paul Krugman)
> --
> Facts aren't facts if they come from the wrong people. (Paul Krugman)