

Dear Sadequa

Thanks for having the courage to express your views on integrity so openly; I really respect this, even if you felt so strongly that you sent your latest message twice (-;

Every best wish


From: Sadequa Shahrook <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, 27 August 2012, 2:58
Subject: Re: Fabrication or falsification of data or research findings

Dear Margaret,

Thanks for the important question you posed here. While posting my previous response, I too was thinking how this issue can be tackled or what kind of step a concerned researcher could take in order to take an appropriate (as well as sensible) action against this and most desirably, without bringing risk to his career? Advising journal editors could be a safe and useful action. However, the choice depends on individuals as Amy said that she wouldn't bother to contact criminal investigators to get out of the situation; and, most probably I would also do whatever it takes. If researchers' aim is to help the humankind with useful researches then it must be produced from good practices and with full honesty; and one thing is for sure that if once we start overlooking the issue, it will plague our entire research-life. We should also think what plausible ways can be taken in those places where top officials posses all the power and where there is not even any academic channels to tackle the bad practices. 



On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Margaret MacDougall <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Sadequa and Amy

You raise some interesting points regarding personal integrity. I would be interested to know whether our list users consider it to be our responsibility to advise journal editors if we are aware that researchers are likely to submit a manuscript involving bad science (possibly to the neglect of statistical (or other) advice we have provided). Alternatively, do we leave the investigation entirely to the journal reviewers and editors, even if we are aware this may perpetuate bad practise?

Best wishes
