Sounds like great work, progress and collaboration was made.  Very positive to see. It was unfortunate  could not make it and contribute/support.  It all sound very exciting!!
I look forward to hearing more and hopefully to see some of you soon.
Keep up the amazing effort, vision and drive!
Inspirational!  :)
Lizzie (York St Joh University)
From: Sally Zlotowitz <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, 5 August 2012, 19:41
Subject: London Comm Psych Network Meeting - big thanks!

Apologies for cross-posting.

Dear all,

A little bit late but we wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for coming to the first London Community Psychology network meeting. We had such a great turn out of people and enthusiasm! It was great to meet together and begin to get to know everyone. We had some initial ideas of how to use our meetings which included:

1) Going to visit or asking for a presentation from Community Psychology services/projects - so that we can find inspiration and ideas for how to turn our Comm Psych values into practice

2) Learning skills together relevant to Community Psychology practice e.g. action research, facilitation, community mobilisation, co-production, funding bids, partnership working

3) Learning about policy, campaigning and lobbying work e.g. from policy activists in the charity sector, and responding to government consultations/research/policy e.g. the 'troubled family' agenda.

4) Developing an active online community

5) An idea that has been suggested before - organising a festival of Community Psychology (an innovative version of a conference!?)

We used a tool from the New Economics Foundation called crowdwise to decide which ideas to prioritise ( . Ginny will send through the outcome of this soon.

Our next plan was to start looking into Comm Psych projects we could visit or come to talk to us in London. So we had some ideas but if other people from this email list would like to offer a visit or had ideas for who we could visit please do let me know.

We hope to have our second London network meeting around Mid-Sept. We started a London network email list - if you haven't received this email already, it means you're not on it yet! Please do let me know if you would like to be.

Many thanks
Sally, Elaine, Ginny and Chris (meeting convenors)

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