

the recent conversation about discriminatory behaviour must be still out of balance, because i feel pressure to accept before i properly understand

i often appreciate Craigs 'throw spaghetti at the walls' approach to difficult to understand areas, and probably wouldn't be able to exist on the list without it

i feel more intimidated by righteous expertise, and as a result would generally find Gavi's style more silencing (even though it feels that is not his intention)

i was shocked that the dog metaphor was seen as so offensive as i saw it as a random example of how there are many ways society categorises us against our will;
i don't see animals as lower beings anyway

are people really saying that craig knew he was being offensive and did it to intimidate gavi???
why would he be lurking on the list waiting to do that?

indigenous psychology talks about 'Skunk Medicine', and Craig is good at using it to teach and explore with, if you're open to respect and learn from it

let's see now whether craig is insulted by being compared to a skunk

still here
steph meadows
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