i'm not on a 'high horse' - is that really part of a respectful vocabulary?

i was hoping for respect for diversity in general which unfortunately for those who find me offensive, includes me and my questions
i was attempting to raise awareness that diversity isn't just about certain groups of people furthering their cause
but the right to be yourself in all of it's nuances... not just in regard to sexuality, gender or race which i feel monopolise the diversity agenda

i have alot of respect for Gavi's work, and i was trying to cross reference it to see if it had applications to diversity in general
there is alot of pressure on this list to just agree and not ask questions, particularly about 'worthy causes', or if you're not an academic/ professional.
 This goes against the idea of being critical. It's almost like there are politically correct things to be critical about (eg. the establishment, white middle class men)

i have already acknowledged Gavi's right to his own reality, so i don't need any help with imagining life from his point of view.
 He is excellent in describing his own reality and does not really need anyone else to defend him.


Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 15:11:32 +0100
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [COMMUNITYPSYCHUK] stirring the cauldron without trampling each other's ground
To: [log in to unmask]

Well where to start to unpick all of that lot Steph!
I found what you have posted to be contradictory, punitive and at times discriminatory!!!
I would recommend getting of your high horse and spending a moment standing in someone elses shoes, preferably one's that don't fit so comfortably over your own......
Gavi's reality is his reality, no matter what u Craig or anyone else think or feel about it, it's that simple and regardless of what mode u think he might be in the fact is that people who are cysgendered are oppressed by the community we live in and we do need to listen to their experience even if we don't agree and to say sorry when we have crossed over the other person's clearly held boundary. Gavi felt disrespected and this goes against his human right to be treated with respect.
If Gavi were a person of a different race would we even be having this conversation at all?? So how is gender any different from that?


Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 07:18:18 +0000
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: stirring the cauldron without trampling each other's ground
To: [log in to unmask]

Hi Gavi
wasn't sure how to reply because most of what i want to say isn't particularly directed at you, but in reference to the general conversation,
but i do think our exchange provides a good starting point:-

i said that i found your 'ways', not the intellectual content of what you say, more silencing than craig's (although i must admit i found craig difficult when i first came on the list!)
maybe with your terminology we could say your 'ways' (do i mean style? not sure) 'functioned' to silence - because i do remember commenting that i did not think it intentional

 here's a more current example from your reply to me:
  'I note that harassment and bullying are tolerated as par for the course and that style even extolled as a virtue here' 
also that the expressions of this community are a 'perverse norm'

even though when i stand back i can see you were probably upset by what you thought i was saying and felt you had to defend yourself,
I experience these kind of statements as cutting and emotionally overwhelming.
 I do not represent anyone else on the list, nor they me.

you can't really argue with my own experience of reading your emails, even if how you are received is upsetting and surprising to you
equally no one can argue about your experience of reading craig's email
we have to own these as our personal experiences and not blame each other
when we get upset by other people we are often being influenced by our past experiences, and most of us need to stand back and consider that before forcefully correcting the insensitive acts of others

 an attractive tendency for alot of us in community psychology is a focus on how society oppresses us, rather than just seeing individuals as the holders of dysfunction
however to recover or even survive and move beyond 'victim mentality' which is oppressive in itself
we need to take responsibilty for ourselves as much as possible  and how we respond to our situation -
because we are unlikely to be imminenty rescued from oppression by an external agent

 there may be subtly different uses of the phrase 'righteous expertise'; so to be clear, by 'righteous' i meant the force of your rhetoric suggests you clearly believe you are right;
by 'expertise' i meant that you consider yourself an expert ( from your own experience, and others)

i'm not sure what you precisely are asking for as 'basic courtesy' so i would appreciate if we could unpack the phrase
i was brought up to extend basic courtesy to all and sundry, BUT so far i don't recommend it for vampires, psychopaths, secret cocaine addicts, alcoholics, toxic parents, bored children and con artists
 i have had to build a firm filter in terms of examining whether i am being manipulated by other peoples expectations of me
when times are hard just coming from your own truth is challenging enough, without unneccesarily having to take responsibility for how others receive us
we are not all profesionals on this list - for me that's a benefit of community psychology,
because the diversity at the edges of disciplines and specialities is so rich for bringing forward new and creative ways to solve problems
i've worked for years to avoid conflict and offense in group work, and i can't see it happening because it seems to be a false flag
 we need to make mistakes to learn
 facilitating an environment where this is comfortable is more helpful than trying to remove conflict or offence

so Gavi i never mean to offend you
but i must be honest, I would have liked to ask questions similar to craig's
i'm interested in what your area of study has to inform us for other areas
because mostly in ground level clinical psychology when an individual holds any beliefs about themselves and reality that others do not agree with, it's called delusional or paranoid
for example belief in harm by black magic, or experience of extra terrestrial abduction
should people such as these not be treated with the same respect?


Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 11:25:52 +0100
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [COMMUNITYPSYCHUK] stirring the cauldron without trampling each other's ground
To: [log in to unmask]

First of all, it is deeply problematic to recast me as 'silencing' anyone. Recall that these posts began with a very brief post by David Fryer that there were additional spaces left in the workshop. This post was quickly followed by a derisive email that ridiculed 'the tip of the iceberg' and criticised peole's own categorisations of themselves rather unambiguous. It was not, as claimed below, a critique of how society categorises people against their will.
I was not speaking from 'righteous expertise'. I was speaking from personal experience of myself and others, as I was very clear to state.
For my part, I have not claimed anything about Craig's *intentions*. As I stated clearly, regardless of intentions (and even used words like 'unwittingly' to acknowledge potential lack of intention), Craig's comments *functioned* to dismiss, insult, and delegitimise. I was quite careful in my wording, so it is unfotunate to be misrepresented otherwise.
I also stated that conceiving of other species as lesser is problematic and that this pervasive speciesism makes comparisons to non-humans suspect-- this has been addressed by those discussing racism, sexism, etc. and should not be an entirely new idea to many on the list.
'Acceptance without understanding' has neither been expected nor demanded. Only basic courtesy and respect. I want to call attention to how it blames people who experience victimisation or discrimination when statements of offense are treated as 'silencing'. Is a woman who raises the issue of sexual harassment guilty of 'silencing' the men and women who engaged in activity she experienced as harassment? Is someone who experiences racism 'silencing' others by naming and claiming this experience?
I find the pervasive tolerance for intolerance remarkable given the espoused ideals of the list.
As I said, our 'community' psychology and 'critical' psychology fields clearly have far to go.
Dismissing the person who raised these issues as 'silencing' ensures that the wide gap between the espoused values of these fields and their actual behaviours and practices remains.
Rather than seeking to attack or discredit issues that were raised about this encounter, this calls for soul-searching.
On most other lists of professionals who claim values held by this profession, I would have already received an unsolicited apology.
I note that harassment and bullying are tolerated as par for the course and that style even extolled as a virtue here.
I can only hope that this perverse norm is not passed down to the communities, families, and schools in which we work.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Stephanie Meadows <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
the recent conversation about discriminatory behaviour must be still out of balance, because i feel pressure to accept before i properly understand

i often appreciate Craigs 'throw spaghetti at the walls' approach to difficult to understand areas, and probably wouldn't be able to exist on the list without it

i feel more intimidated by righteous expertise, and as a result would generally find Gavi's style more silencing (even though it feels that is not his intention)

i was shocked that the dog metaphor was seen as so offensive as i saw it as a random example of how there are many ways society categorises us against our will;
i don't see animals as lower beings anyway

are people really saying that craig knew he was being offensive and did it to intimidate gavi???
why would he be lurking on the list waiting to do that?

indigenous psychology talks about 'Skunk Medicine', and Craig is good at using it to teach and explore with, if you're open to respect and learn from it

let's see now whether craig is insulted by being compared to a skunk

still here
steph meadows
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**Please note that I am in the final weeks of preparing my PhD thesis (not called a dissertation in my field in the UK!) for submission and have very limited availability for unrelated emails at this time. I appreciate your patience with any resultant delays in my response. Thank you.**

Mr Y. Gavriel Ansara, MSc, AHEA
2012 APA Division 44 Transgender Research Award Recipient
2011 UK HEA National Psychology Postgraduate Teaching Award Recipient
2002 Keshet Leadership of the Year Award Recipient
PhD Candidate & Academic Tutor, School of Psychology, University of Surrey
Visiting Lecturer in Psychology, WISP, University of Warsaw
席嘉力  آتش جاوید  גבריאל‏ יוסף

___________________________________ There is a twitter feed: http://twitter.com/CommPsychUK (to post contact Grant [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK list, visit the website: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=COMMUNITYPSYCHUK
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