

Hi Virginie!


You have expanded your study region as I can see!


Genet is mentioned for the Epipalaeolithic of Caf That el Ghar (Tetúan,
Morocco) in the reference below :  


OUCHAOU, B. y HOSSINI, S. (2008). Los restos óseos de Caf Taht el Ghar.
Imagen de la zoocenosis de la Región de Tetuán del Epipaleolíticio a la
Protohistoria. En: RAMOS, J.; ZOUAK, M.; BERNAL, D. y RAISSOUNI, B. (eds).
Las ocupaciones humanas de la cueva de Caf Taht el Ghar (Tetuán). Los
productos arqueológicos en el contexto del Estrecho de Gibraltar.
Monografías del Museo Arqueológico de Tetúan (I), Tetuán. Pp: 37-47.

Hope it helps.






De: Analysis of animal remains from archaeological sites
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] En nombre de Virginie Mézan-Muxart
Enviado el: martes, 24 de julio de 2012 15:33
Para: [log in to unmask]
Asunto: [ZOOARCH] Genet remains in Northen Africa





Still a PhD student, I am now making an inventory of the genet remains in
Northen Africa. If you had found some evidences of this species, if you know
some articles which mention them or if you work on them, would you please
contact me at  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]


Thank you very much in advance!

Virginie Mézan-Muxart



Virginie Mézan-Muxart
Ecole Doctorale Sciences Humaines et Sociales "Erasme"
Centre d'Etudes sur les Nouveaux Espaces Littéraires -CENEL- EA 0452 UP13 
Université Paris 13