Hi Natalie

I'd have loved to have come to this as it sits easily in my own research area.

Unfortunately, I'm in Shetland! on a residency then.

Can you possibly keep me in the loop of what happens, what's discussed, what emerges etc?


best wishes
Alison F Bell
Doctoral Researcher & Artist
School of Creative and Cultural Industries
University of the West of Scotland

(+44)(0)1655 750 084 (work)
(+44)(0)7748523365 (mobile)

From: NATALIA EERNSTMAN <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 8:04
Subject: Conference - Environmental Utterance

University College Falmouth
invites you to
1st-2nd September 2012

[A performative conference: making there here]
Over the course of two days we will engage in a theoretical, practical, embodied and aesthetic exchange about the representation of our work in dislocation: away from the place that engendered and influenced it.
Across disciplines academics and artists are researching and creating practices that are highly contextual, exploring ways of articulating specific environments or places.  Such work often relies on direct, personal experience of a particular environment.  Transfer and abstraction, necessary for the communication of this work beyond the specifics of this original environment, challenge the work. Negotiating publication or conference environment necessitates reformulation, generating changes in texture and experience.
What do such alterations, translations or transformations, mean for the work? What is the relationship between our academic environment and the work we (aim to) produce?  How do we utter our environment? How do we engage with ’being there’ when ‘there’ is not here?
This conference examines these questions through a program of presentations, performances, walks, talks and installations. It offers a space for artists, writers, performers, poets, researchers, thinkers, dancers, landscapers and academics to experiment with ways of uttering the environment and exchange thoughts, tools and discourses around the representation of (a particular) place. Moving between outdoor and indoor environments, and spaces of theory and practice.
Where? Tremough Campus, University College Falmouth, Cornwall
When? 1st of September 9:00 – 2nd of September 17:00
How much? Full: £57 / student: £47
Contact: [log in to unmask] com