What would you do if someone offered you a memory stick full of archives or records? Do you know what to do with digital collections? Have you wondered how linked data might impact on the information world? What funding is available for services and how can we secure it? How do you preserve audio formats? Are you planning digitisation projects?


If you are interested in any of these questions then try to attend the ARA conference on Friday 31st August. You can just sign up for one day, attend these sessions and meet colleagues from around the UK and overseas.


Also on Friday we’re delighted to announce a debate on the future of the profession between Oliver Morley, Chief Executive and Keeper, the National Archives; Annie Mauger, Chief Executive, CILIP;  Piers Cain, Head of Knowledge Management, Chartered Management Institute; Geoff Pick, ARA Board Member, Public Engagement; and Fabiana Barticioti, Chair, ARA Section for New Professionals. This is a chance to engage in discussion about our priorities, aims and how we can achieve them.


This is the biggest event of the ARA calendar and we hope to see you there, on at least one of the days if you can’t make the whole conference. If you are planning to come to all three days book soon as the hotel is filling up fast.


Details of the programme, speakers and how to book are at http://www.archives.org.uk/ara-conference/the-ara-conference.html


Caroline Brown

Chair ARA conference committee




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