Dear SPMers,

 I have a question for you about the VBM8 analysis I am currently running. I used DARTEL to create a custom template from my 89 child participants. I am now going to use this custom template in the VBM8 step of ‘Estimate and Write’ (as I understand from the VBM8 manual that this is the recommended method when using VBM8 with a large scale paediatric sample). The DARTEL Template creation step has outputted 7 custom templates (0-6) of increasing accuracy, and Template 6 is the most accurate as it was created last and looks the crispest. However the default DARTEL template that VBM8 uses for spatial normalisation is Template 1. This is what is on line 66 of the ‘cg_vbm_defaults’ script in the vbm8 toolbox: vbm8.extopts.darteltpm   = {fullfile(spm('dir'),'toolbox','vbm8',' Template_1_IXI550_MNI152.nii')}; % Indicate first Dartel template. Why isn’t the most accurate Template 6 used as the default template? Although Template 1 is the first template VBM8 uses, does the function then progressively go through all the templates (1-6) which have the same filename in an iterative manner?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Zoe Hyde
Research Assistant

Developmental Risk and Resilience Unit
Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

University College London
26 Bedford Way

London WC1H 0AP


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