

Dear Jian,

I see you haven't had a response. I don't have one either, but try for starters & ideas Malamateniou C et al. AJNR 2012 (PMID: 22576885) - it's likely you won't be able to do much about your current data, though.

All the best,


Alexander Hammers, MD PhD

Chair in Functional Neuroimaging
Neurodis Foundation
Postal Address:
CERMEP – Imagerie du Vivant
Hôpital Neurologique Pierre Wertheimer
59 Boulevard Pinel, 69003 Lyon, France

Telephone +33-(0)4-72 68 86 34
Fax +33-(0)4-72 68 86 10
Email [log in to unmask];[log in to unmask]
Other affiliations:

Visiting Reader; Honorary Consultant Neurologist
Division of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine
Imperial College London, UK
Honorary Reader in Neurology; Honorary Consultant Neurologist
Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery/ Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK

On 29 juin 2012, at 08:24, jian chen wrote:

Dear society,

I am current working on baby's T2 and T1 weighted images. The images quality were general poor and have a lots of movement. 

Is there any tool exists for doing motion correction between the slices in 3D structural volume?

Any advice is welcome.
