

Dear SPMers,

We have a question about an analysis we're running with VBM8 with a large (n=89) developmental sample. We have searched the list, but have not found an answer to our question. So far we have performed the following steps, in line with the VBM8 manual:

1. We created study-specific tissue probability maps using the TOM toolbox
2. We used these in VBM8 with the high dimensional option to segment our data and obtain the DARTEL export affine grey and white matter segments
3. We used the DARTEL toolbox to create a custom template based on the GM and WM segments obtained in step 2. This is in study-specific space.


We are planning to use this template along with the TOM tissue probability maps to segment our data with the Estimate and Write module of the VBM8 toolbox. We would like to report results in MNI space to facilitate comparison with other studies. First of all, given this, is it worth it/optimal to have created a study-specific DARTEL template? Or does this just add more processing steps to get to essentially the same point as just using the default DARTEL MNI template provided in VBM8?

Secondly, assuming it is optimal to have created our study-specific DARTEL template, what are the next steps in order to end up with GM and WM output files in MNI space? Would we need to use the DARTEL 'normalise to MNI space' option, or is there a way to do this using VBM8?

Thanks and best wishes,


Zoe Hyde
Research Assistant

Developmental Risk and Resilience Unit
Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

University College London
26 Bedford Way

London WC1H 0AP


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