

Well, duh, I get it, Max, & neatly done.

And 'swing'? That's jazz, not heavy rock, although it still hath its own charms perhaps....(I'm an Allman Brothers type myself, but I guess they have some jazzy chops...).

On 2012-07-09, at 7:42 PM, Max Richards wrote:

>                Yeats Travestied
> [This is no country for late middle-aged men - 
>                           Lawrence Upton]
> 'This is no country for middle-aged men,
> the young girls sneering at us,
> as if we're only fit for middle-aged women.
> But why are those same middle-aged women
> sneering at us also? those chooks?
> can they read our minds? us middle-aged men!'
>                         *
> I speak as one long past middle-age,
> expounding* Eliot Yeats Hardy
> to youngsters who simply weren't ready.
> THEY weren't going to wear long pants
> at the beach, let alone roll up the cuffs.
> They took no walks in lost love's haunts.
> No, they were surfing, and snuggling in vans,
> dancing under strobe lights under the influence,
> and coolly changing partners.
> Snuggling, they'd say, the word's so fusty -
> you can't know what it is to be lusty.
> In my next life I shall try being young,
> having missed out first time round,
> dreamy, bookish, in hiding.
> Once back in this world, I'll neglect
> all dreams of art and intellect -
> fiery sensual music is all I expect.
> But the young, I already detest their music,
> Doesn't it frankly make YOU sick?
> *I was an ex-Poundian

Douglas Barbour
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