


epub is a great format and being reflowable means it can easily be read and displayed on a variety devices, and things like upping the font size for legibility are trivial. It's great for born digital documents that will only ever be digital.

The problem really comes where one wants to preserve the structure of the document, perhaps because the printed document is in some way considered to be the true version. Page numbers, positioning of foot notes - any other structural information suddenly becomes difficult to reproduce.

TEI anyone ?


On 01/08/2012, at 08:30 , Richard M. Davis wrote:

Hi Tim

On 27/07/2012 10:42, Tim Brody wrote:
Of course the most successful format, available on by far the most
platforms and most vendors, is HTML. As the Semantic Web/ gain
traction the amount of information stored in HTML will dwarf that in
dead-tree formats like Word and PDF (if it doesn't already).

Not only that, but e-book formats are essentially HTML too, EPub
particularly. I'm optimistic that, as tablets and e-book readers
continue to gain traction, it will be successful, flexible and hopefully
semantically rich rendering on those devices, that will become the
benchmark for most publications, rather than pseudo-A4. Much like what
we've been striving for on the Web for 20 years, but this time as a real
substitute for print, not an adjunct.

Not that preserving *everything* someone might choose to package up in
an EPUB3 file is necessarily going to be a picnic, but at least we're in
familiar web archiving territory ;)



Richard M. Davis
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