

Dear Colleagues
MARC meets MOUC? I think, reading between the lines of this academic rambling, that "RT" of Norfolk is a Happy Bunny thanks to "MH" of Bodleian Library. Another success for the Mighty List. 
Lest you be concerned about the threat of "RT" manifesting himself in the skimpy official thong of the MOUC team, rest assured that he's never attended our evening training sessions, after which of course we join together team-fashion in a synchronized rendering of "Just a Thong at Twilight"...
"RT" of Dorset

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Turbet, Richard B." <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> 
Sent: Thursday, 19 July 2012, 14:34
Subject: Byrd SOS

Dear Roger,
The good Martin Holmes has just sent me, by the modern wonder of electricity, a copy of Bridge's edition of Byrd's "Emendemus". Could you send carrier pigeons to all on the IAML list advising them to call off their sniffer puppies, private investigators and G4S, as the item has been located and delivered. Many thanks for your roll, Swiss or otherwise, I mean role, in this; it shall be acknowledged in the article (the Swiss roll, not your role). Now excuse me as I have to practice for the Men's Olympic Underwater Cataloguing; typically the women do synchronized cataloguing, in cardigans and sensible dresses designed by Boris Johnson - how sensible is that?. 
Yours splutteringly,

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