


Not exactly what you asked but you may want to look at this whitepaper we wrote with Dell.

It covers DPM - but some of the tests used would work with any storage. 
In particular in the appendix there are the iozone options we used and also the full code of a ROOT script to open files (so a more HEP style analysis).

(and you could easily replace the rfcp examples  with dccp ones I guess)

We ran it on ATLAS files but in principle it should run on any ROOT files (flat "ntuples" trivially and complex CMS objects somehow). 
If there is something you are unsure on that part I would be happy to (try and help) . 

_Not_ definitive (or necessarily recommended).  There is a WLCG working group of which I think I am supposed to be a member I think that is supposed to come up with a more coherent storage benchmarking approach. We haven't had any meetings yet though... but the chair (Dirk) did have some useful scripts used at CERN that I will ask him for and forward on (if he sends me them). 

Cheers for now


On 26 Jul 2012, at 12:20, Adam Huffman wrote:

> Don't think I've posted to the list before, so I should introduce
> myself.  I've been working with the Imperial HEP group since April,
> alongside Simon Fayer.
> We're looking at buying some storage, and I wondered whether other
> sites had settled on some (more or less) meaningful benchmarks when
> evaluating storage hardware?  Having looked in the list archives, the
> subject seems to have come up several times, without a definitive
> answer beyond the usual suspects (fio, bonnie++, iozone etc.).
> It may well be that there isn't a definitive answer, but I thought I'd
> ask anyway.
> Best Wishes,
> Adam Huffman

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