Hi, all.
I am running probtrackx2 with surface label, but there is a problem.
The cmdline is here:
probtrackx2 --samples=/thepath/bedpostX/merged \
--mask=/thepath/diffmask/b0_brain_mask.nii.gz \
--seed=/thepath/rface.label \
--omatrix1 --nsamples=5000 \
--xfm=/thepath/xfm/brain2diff.mat \
--seedref=/thepath/anat/brain.nii.gz \
--opd --forcedir --dir=/thepath/ --pd
The rface.label is in the subject's freesurfer comformed space, which is same to brain.nii.gz.
The size of brain.nii.gz is 256x256x256.
The outputs of this command line is:
Log directory is: /nfs/t3/workingshop/kongxiangzhen/DTI/project/connectivityatlas/label_based0727/S0294
Running in seedmask mode
load seeds
Segmentation fault
Some body come across this problem?

Xiangzhen Kong