

try FreeSurfers mri_convert or Jolinda Smith's MRIConvert.

Am 26.07.12 08:48 schrieb "Mark Jenkinson" unter <[log in to unmask]>:

>I'm afraid I do not have any experience of working with .ima data, but
>hopefully someone else on this list can help out with that.
>It would certainly be worth trying other conversion tools if you can't
>get satisfactory results with the one you are using.
>All the best,
>	Mark
>On 25 Jul 2012, at 20:50, Victor DelBene wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thank you for your reply. One other (hopefully final) question
>>regarding this conversion issue. Is dcm2niigui the best conversion for
>>this? And if so, what would be the optimal way to convert my .ima data
>>so that I can merge the files and place the brain in standard space. I
>>seem to be trying every option possible using the converter I have, and
>>nothing seems to be working.
>> Thank you,
>> Victor