


that would assume that the registration is inversely consistent between
the two images which is not necessarily the case.

Am 25.07.12 11:20 schrieb "Gabor Perlaki" unter
<[log in to unmask]>:

>Dear Saad,
>Thank you for your answer.  I don't understand something in the script
>you sent. 
>There is two registration in the script:
>1, A image to the B
>2, B image to the A
>and after that the Forward half transform from the first registration is
>applied for A image and the Forward half transform from the second
>registration is applied for B image.
>Why do we need 2 registrations? Wouldn't it better to do only the first
>registration and after that applying the Forward half transform to the A
>image and the Backward half transform to the B image?