

CL:AIRE is delighted to announce the new CL:AIRE Remediation Technologies eLearning Suite 2012The learning suite is fully interactive and provides training on key aspects of undertaking options appraisals and selecting, designing, implementing and verifying different remediation technologies.  The suite has been developed in association with the Environment Agency and leading industry expertsand is aimed at foundation and intermediate level.

The 10 courses comprise the following subjects:
Options Appraisal, Monitored Natural Attenuation, Permeable Reactive Barriers, Air Sparging/Soil Vapour Extraction, Ex-situBioremediation, Chemical Oxidation, Stabilisation/Solidifcation, In-situ Bioremediation, Soil Washing, In-situ and Ex-situThermal Desorption. 

Each course typically consists of four modules and two assessments delivering approximately four hours of learning for each course. On completion of all the courses and passing the assessments, a personalised PDF certificate will be issued for your continuing professional development.

Each course costs £50+VAT for non-Members and £42.50+VAT for CL:AIRE Members, with a rate for all 10 courses of £450+VAT for non-Members and £382.50+VAT for members.  Discounts are available for bulk orders of over 50.  Full details are available at, with a printable flyer available here>>. 



Nicola Harries CGeol, CSci 

Project Director

Tel: 0207 592 1151

Mobile: 07813 701898

Email: [log in to unmask]

Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments

CL:AIRE has moved - our new address is:

Warwick House
First Floor, 

25 Buckingham Palace Road


CL:AIRE is a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee/Registered in England No. 3740059/Entrust Enrolment No. 119820/Registered Charity No. 1075611

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CL:AIRE's new Membership Scheme. Click here for more information.

Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice Training Events:

London - 10th July, Bristol - 18th September, Manchester - 23rd October, Southampton - 20th November, London - 11th December. Click here for more information.