

Below is what the Analysis console prints after I hit `S’ and after I click M:Project:Save




start generating output :  ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisProject

start generating output :  ccp.nmr.Nmr.NmrProject

start generating output :  ccp.general.Method.MethodStore



start generating output :  ccpnmr.Analysis.AnalysisProject

start generating output :  ccp.nmr.Nmr.NmrProject

start generating output :  ccp.general.DataLocation.DataLocationStore

start generating output :  ccp.general.Method.MethodStore

successfully saved project


In other words, the “successfully saved project” part is missing.


Is this normal, i.e. can I trust that `S’ indeed successfully saves?






Markus Heller, Ph.D.

NMR Scientist

CDRD - The Centre for Drug Research and Development

2259 Lower Mall, Third Floor | Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4

T: (604) 221-7750 ext. 122 | F: (604) 221-7753 | E: [log in to unmask] | www.cdrd.ca