


Bristol was a very active port handling a number of goods and it might be useful to check the type of goods being sent from there in the mediaeval period to the Continent.  I seem to recall port fees data being kept on the subject that could be helpful.


Beatrice Hopkinson, Hon. Secretary 
LA Branch, Oxford University Society,
President, Droitwich Brine Springs and Archaeological Trust,
Board, American Institute of Archaeology,
Affiliate, Cotson Institute

On Jul 3, 2012, at 6:45 AM, Wendy Carruthers wrote:

Hi All,
Has anyone worked on waterlogged plant remains from Medieval ships, particularly from the Mediterranean?
I am looking for comparisons with the C15th Newport Ship that was probably trading between the Iberian peninsula and Bristol. There are food remains and packaging materials (juniper, heathers) from the bottom of the ship to support its Mediterranean origins.
Apart from the Mary Rose and Magor Pill I'm having trouble finding anything comparable.