

Significance magazine is searching for writers to communicate statistics and the use of data in an accessible manner that fits the Significance remit of "statistics making sense" for its magazine and website.


Significance is primarily a general interest magazine and not a journal. Articles are not peer-reviewed and are intended for anyone interested in statistics and the analysis and interpretation of data. Significance aims to communicate and demonstrate in an entertaining and thought-provoking way the practical use of statistics in all walks of life and to show how statistics benefit society.


Significance has two outlets - a magazine ( and a website ( The magazine carries longer and more detailed articles (around 2,000 - 2,500 words) whilst the website carries shorter (around 700-800 words, though articles can be shorter or longer) and more topical articles.


Recent articles published in the magazine include a look at Usain Bolt and how much faster he can run (with minimal effort) and a look at bank robberies – both articles were picked up by national and local media around the world. Other articles published include assessing the risk of space travel; counting crowds; voting systems around the world; underestimating the impact of the Deepwater oil spill and a look at evolution and its roots.


The website has published articles as diverse as Euro 2012, measuring GDP, Google's h-index rank v the impact factor, a comparison of prices indices, safer gambling, the Oscars, immigration, electoral fraud in Russia, Bibliometrics and much more as well as book reviews and videos.


If you or anyone you know would like to contribute to Significance please get in touch.


Significance is also seeking Editorial Board members -






Abdel Khairoun
Editorial & Membership Assistant


The Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX | | Tel: +44 (0)20 7614 3923 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7614 3905

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