

What's the current advice on assessing acetylator status in this situation?


On 27 Jul 2012, at 09:30, Louise Ward wrote:

> Dear All,
> A GP has called to ask if there is a test to check for 'sulphonamide sensitivity'.
> A rheumatologist has suggested sulphadiazine for a female patient of his for her RA.  In her notes there is a record of previous problems with sulphonamides years ago whilst the patient was in Canada (so no access to the records).
> The BNF provides a list of cautions including 'monitor blood counts on prolonged treatment; discontinue immediately if blood disorders or rash develop; predisposition to folate deficiency or hyperkalaemia; elderly; asthma; G6PD deficiency; hepatic impairment; renal impairment'
> Apart from exclusion of G6PD deficiency (patient origins unknown) and monitoring the treatment as described above, any other suggestions?
> Thank you very much!
> Best wishes, Lou
> Louise Ward, Clinical Scientist, Bedford.

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