

Hi All,

As it keeps coming up in the ops meetings.

I've done a survey on what is deployed on the T2s in the UK. Keeping
in  mind that the official WLCG recommendations do not suggest
upgrading everything EMI just yet I don't think it's all that bad.

Could you please all do me a favour and check that the entries for
your site are correct ? I get them from the site bdii that is listed
as the GIIS URL in the GOCDB and a test job that I send to the WNs.

For APEL and Argus, they don't advertise, therefore it would be
helpful, if you could email me (not the list) which  version you are
using (if any in the case of Argus)
For gLexec: I can only check for the presence of the rpm on the WN and
your listing in the GOCDB. The table reflects what's in the GOCDB.

I noticed that some DPM sites have stopped advertising a version and I
have the sneaking suspicion it's the ones that have upgraded to EMI
but I could be wrong.

This is meant to be a snapshot, I don't intend to maintain this page

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HEP Group/Physics Dep
Imperial College
Tel: +44-(0)20-75947810