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Call for Book Chapters
Title: Sports Events: Media, Society and Culture
Jago (2012) argues that events researchers tend to focus on the mundane operational dimensions of events, adding little substantive knowledge and theoretical underpinning to this field. As the study of sports events develops there is need for critical and theoretically informed debate regarding their conceptualisation, significance and roles.
This book will move beyond existing operational and pragmatic approaches by exploring sports events as social, cultural, political, and mediatised phenomena. The representation of sports events goes beyond the sporting act. They contribute to the generation of individual and shared meaning over personal, community and national identities. They are also sources of conflict, resistance and power struggles.
This book is timely due to the increasingly globalised nature of the sports events industry and the concurrent democratisation of media. This opens up new opportunities for scholars to explore the contested relationship between sports events, media and culture.
This edited collection invites proposals for chapters exploring a wide range of issues related to sports events, media and culture. Proposals should promote a critical (re)evaluation of emerging empirical research from a diverse range of sports events and locations. This book will provide a multi-disciplinary approach and an international perspective. Researchers at all stages in their careers are encouraged to submit.
Submissions are welcome from a range of topics which explore issues broadly related to sports events, media and culture, including but not limited to:

·         Media ideologies

·         Sport events and  individual, social and national identities

·         Moral panics

·         Globalisation

·         Fandom and consumption

·         Media representation

·         Conflicts and social movements

·         Media rhetoric/contradictions of sports events

·         Space, place and representation of sports events destination

·         Social, cultural and political impacts of sports events

·         Non-traditional forms of media

·         Broken legacy promises

·         Sport event experiences

·         Power of media to promote or marginalise sports events

·         Commercialisation

·         Media and spectacularisation

Expressions of interest in the form of a 300 word (maximum) chapter synopsis and 200 word (maximum) author biographies should be emailed to all of the editors by 31 July, 2012. All proposals will be subject to peer review. Notification for accepted abstracts: 31st October, 2012. Deadline for full papers: 30th April, 2013. Estimated date of publication: early 2014.

Informal enquiries should be directed to the editors.
Dr Thomas Fletcher
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Dr Katherine Dashper
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Ms Nicola McCullough
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Please disseminate amongst your networks where possible.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,

Tom, Katherine ane Nicola

Dr Thomas Fletcher
International Centre for Research in Events, Tourism and Hospitality (ICRETH)
School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality
Carnegie Faculty
Bronte Hall 202
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds, LS6 3QW
[log in to unmask]
+44 (0)113 8123515

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