

Dear experts in statistics,

I have a repeated measure dataset with 3 conditions (1,2,3), 
which are not to be constrained in a common fixed order for all subjects,
i.e., they are neutral conditions, 
and I have 3 response values(r1,r2,r3) for each conditions for each subject.

here is the question:

if the values of the responses are in different order for each subject, 

for subject 1, r1 > r2 > r3
for subject 2, r2 > r1 > r3
for subject 3, r3 > r1 > r2

and what I want to see is if there are differences
between these response values, 
how should I perform the statistical test?

I am not trying to show that in a group level,
the response values are in a fixed (i.e.,) r1 > r2 > r3 order for the three conditions.

any comment would be of tremendous help.

Thank you.
