

Hello everybody,

i have a question regarding my results in the 1st level analysis: the activations are located all over the image: in the bones, ventricles and even outside the brain / head. I used the new segmentation procedure and also DARTEL to create my own anatomical template. Before i did the analysis without "new segmentation" and DARTEL and there were no such weird activations.

After slice timing, realignment, coregister and "new segmentationn" i used DARTEL with all the C1 images to get my anatomical (template_6 ). Then "create warped" with the flow field file "u_rc1_xxxx" and the anatomical and functional data set separately. Then "normalize to MNI" with the EPIs, which gives me then the warped and smoothed EPI files (swra_xxxx). 

I assume that i have done something wrong now with the normalization or with the new DARTEL template. Anyone a suggestion where i missed something or have done something wrong? 

I would also appreciate if anyone has a nice summary of how to run it this way, with new segment and DARTEL for fMRI. 

Thanks a lot,