Dear experts,

I was wondering whether I could ask you a set of questions regarding PPI analysis. 

1. Why are 'eigenvariate' time series extracted (instead of 'mean' for example) from the seed region?
2. Once I determine the coordinates from which I would like to extract time series from the conjunction analysis results, I open 'effects of interest' (F contrast that shows activation across all conditions) and then choose the selected coordinates from there and extract the time series. Someone told me to do this but why is it that I extract the time series from the f-test results (instead of directly from the conjunction analysis result, for instance)?
3. Also, does it matter at which threshold the f contrast is displayed when pressing the 'eigenvariate' button to extract the time series? Some subjects require much less stringent threshold to show activity in the chosen source region and others don't as they have more robust activity...
4. I was wondering if there is any way we could create a mask of a source region from the conjunction analysis result (the shape of its activation) and use that to extract times series from each subject...

Thanks so much!,