

Message from the MIST mailing list.

News from Astronomy

2012 Grants Round

The review of the 2012 round is well underway with Panel meetings scheduled for the end of August and into September.  We plan to have the recommendations endorsed by STFC's Science Board and the UK Space Agency in mid-October, and to inform applicants by the end of October.  This is likely to say whether a project is funded or not, full details may take a little longer to complete.

Astronomy Grants Outcomes 2011

As part of the process for improving the feedback to the community of outcomes we have just published a more detailed listing of the recommendations for all projects.  This can be found at

We hope that the community will find this helpful.  This information supplements what is already available in STFC's 'Grants on the Web' pages.

Advisory Panels

We have completed the membership of the Astronomy (Chair Paul O'Brian) and Solar System (Chair Monica Grady) Advisory Panels which will be published on STFC's web pages in due course.  First meetings are expected in July and the first task of these panels (along with Particle Astrophysics) will be to update the strategic advice to the Science Board, as input to STFC's Programmatic Review. Community input will be sought in the near future.

Colin Vincent, June 2012

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