

Dear Chris,


Please make the following changes to Imperial College’s entry:-


·         Remove (University of London) as Imperial is no longer part of the University

·         Our theses are not available through Ethos

·         Our repository is closed, it can be searched by external users but they are unable to download any PhD theses




Janice Lewis,
Head of Subscriptions and Document Delivery,

Central Library,
Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ
Tel:020 7594 8825
email:[log in to unmask]




From: For interlibrary-loan and document supply services. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Christopher Beevers (Library)
Sent: 19 June 2012 12:53
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FORUM FOR INTERLENDING - Theses Lending Policy Document


*Apologies for cross-posting*



Dear Colleague


As many of you will be aware, Graham Titley has maintained and updated the FIL Theses Lending Policy document for UK and Eire HEIs for several years. Graham has now left us and we would like to continue his sterling work by undertaking the annual review of the document so that it continues to reflect current practice in lending, copying, and providing access to theses. 


We would be grateful if you could access the Theses Lending Policy Document , review the entry for your institution and check that the following information is correct.



If you need any amendments making to the entry for your institution I would be grateful if you could forward them to me (not Graham) by the end of August and I will update the document in time for the busy requesting period in the autumn.


This document has proved very useful to researchers and colleagues seeking to gain access to HE theses and the Forum for Interlending  is extremely grateful to colleagues for taking the time to complete the information necessary. (The Forum reserves the right to edit the information for consistency of expression and to maintain clarity within the document).



Many thanks






Chris Beevers

Document Delivery Supervisor

Computing and Library Services

University of Huddersfield



01484 472051

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