

    * *Working for Equity in Health*
      The latest publication from the EU PROGRESS Working for Equity in
      Health project is /Pan-European macro-drivers: Work, worklessness,
      social protection and health inequalities/

      A core aim of this report is to offer an insight and the latest
      evidence as to how policy responses can be designed to be health
      protective in times of crisis. The report shows that governments
      would do well to promote and invest in social protection measures
      such as Active Labour Market Programmes to enhance both health and
      the functioning of the labour market. The aim of the report is to
      stimulate policy makers, practitioners and researchers to think
      differently about how they might minimise the risks of widening
      health inequalities and approach the goal of improving the health
      of communities and populations.

      The report follows a high level forum that was held in Brussels in
      January, and involved stakeholders from across sectors.