

Dear Xu Wang,

If you want this functional data in highres space then it will be big - the data itself
will end up around 5GB, so naturally converting it takes a bit more memory.
I would suggest you think about whether you really need to have it in this highres
form (we do not require that in FSL, unless you have 240 subjects!) and hence
whether you need such large memory demands.  If you really do need it then you
will need to find suitable machines that can cope with this size of dataset.

All the best,

On 6 Jun 2012, at 18:34, Xu Wang wrote:

> Hi, 
>     I want to registering 4D functional files to standard space (eg. MNI), I use the commands flirt and fnirt with regular steps: func --> highres --> standard. 
>     But it takes too much resource(about 8g's memory) to run the step func --> highres, by the way highres's resolution is 1mmx1mmx1mm.
>     And my command is:
>            flirt -in func.nii.gz -ref highres.nii.gz -out func2highres.nii.gz -omat flirt.mat -applyxfm -init func2highres.mat -interp trilinear
>            (func.nii.gz is a 4D nifti file with 240 volumes. )
>     I'm not very sure why this happened, How can I do about this? Whether I need to split the 4D files into 3Ds, then registering individually?
>     Thanks very much.
>     Xu Wang