

Hi, Saad,
I have tried to reduce the max intensity display in fslview, and it do increase the contrast between the yellow and red color. Does it matter if I change max intensity? In my understanding, the more red fibers mean most of fibers may be false, because they have low probability. Instead, the yellow fibers denote the main fiber pathway. Am I right? How to improve this to produce more converged fiber bundles?



Hi - you'll get more yellow if you reduce the max intensity display in fslview ;)


Hi, experts,
I use the FDT toolbox to do probabilistic fiber tracking. The result is somehow weird compared with the published result. When using the red-yellow color displays the 'fdt_paths.nii.gz' in FSLview, the contrast between red and yellow is very low after setting a minimum threshold. I mean most of fibers are red color and few of them is yellow color. Does that mean the result is wrong? Could you help me to figure this out?

By the way, I have finished all of steps including  the 'eddycorrect' , 'bedpostx' and 'registration'.  I think all of these steps are right.