

Dear Bonnie,

This 'gigantic cluster' result from TFCE simply indicates that you have a
diffuse effect, perhaps extending over the whole WM tract.  If you did
a univariate test on the global mean FA (e.g, in R or SPSS), you would
probably find a strong significant result.

If you wish to further understand this effect in your data, you can take an
approach in VBM & PET analyses, and include a global mean FA covariate.
 With such a covariate in the model, any effects will be interpreted as
"group differences after discounting global FA effects".  It basically
treats the global changes as a nuisance, and then lets you detect regional
changes (that cannot be explained by the global changes).  If you find no
significant effects (positive or negative) it tells you that that the
global changes explain all of the group differences.  If you find a effect
it tells you that you've found a regional effect that cannot be explained
by global FA.


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Bonnie Y K Lam <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi FSL users,
> I am getting clusters as large as 70,000 voxels after running randomise
> using the TFCE option. Should I be worried getting such a big cluster
> linking almost all major tracts of the brain?
> I am aware of the cluster-based thresholding but am not sure if that will
> help getting more specific clusters and am also not exactly sure of what
> threshold (zstat value) I should be putting in.
> My randomise command is as follow for your reference:
> randomise -i all_FA_skeletonised -o tbss -m mean_FA_skeleton_mask -d
> design.mat -t design.con -n 5000 -x --T2 -V
> Thanks a lot,
> Bonnie

Thomas Nichols, PhD
Principal Research Fellow, Head of Neuroimaging Statistics
Department of Statistics & Warwick Manufacturing Group
University of Warwick, Coventry  CV4 7AL, United Kingdom

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone, Stats: +44 24761 51086, WMG: +44 24761 50752
Fax:  +44 24 7652 4532