

The A through Z of Error Free Research.   Four lessons in four weeks take you from hypothesis formulation through experimental design, data collection, quality control, data analysis, to the preparation of reports. plus an R quick-start module. Begins July 6th 2012.  Cost $299. for more information, see

Meta-Analysis Using RThree lessons in three weeks. Begins July 6th 2012.  Combine data from multiple studies. Fixed- effects and random-effects meta-analysis models. Identifying publication bias. R packages "rmeta" and "meta" will be introduced for the step-by-step implementation with "forest" and "funnel" plots. $299 per participant.
for more information, see

Introduction to R.  When you complete the three lessons in three weeks starting 6 July 2012, you will be able to enter and analyze your own  data. Instructor guides you each step of the way responding to questions you post on the online discussion board.  $199. 
for more information, see

Clinical Trial Analysis Using R.   Three lessons in three weeks. Begins 6 July 2012. Use R to analyze treatment comparison, treatment comparison with covariates, cross-over designs, time-to-event endpoints and longitudinal structures. $299 per participant. ($259 for each additional person at the same firm, institution or government office. )
for more information, see