
I'd like to keep discussions going about the Task Groups, with hopes of coming to agreement about how to proceed. This is not intended to short circuit the discussions already underway on other topics, but we welcome exploration about whether the topics in those discussions might inform the work of the proposed TGs.

First, thanks to those of you who replied and volunteered. I understand that many of you will be juggling holidays and  projects this summer, but I hope there will still be time left to move (lurch?) along with these topics as well.  I will repeat below the basic proposals in the 'Next Steps' message, with additional information about volunteers, and some questions. I would like to move the proposals, additional suggestions of relevant resources, and such discussion that we can develop in the next few weeks, plus the names of volunteers, to the wiki by mid-July. Those of you who have volunteered and do not yet have an account on the DCMI wiki, let me know (Tom is travelling for the next few weeks, so there may be some delay in getting accounts set up).  

Work Item 1: Develop plan for a set of best practice guidelines around vocabulary evaluation, selection, and re-use. Many of the relevant questions around these processes were articulated at the Special session in The Hague [1], and the Task Group's responsibility is to use these discussions to set up an outline for needed best practices documentation, as well as reviewing, evaluating and annotating any extant guidelines now available (particularly those consulted in their work). This group should be prepared to submit a discussion draft for the plan and outline to this group (preferably on the wiki) by the end of this calendar year, and a fully articulated plan and outline by the following Spring (March 31st?). The model I have in mind is the best practices guidelines for OAI Data Providers [2], which had a considerable number of participants (and as many opinions) but still resulted in useful and coherent documentation, but there are certainly others worth consulting.


Since there have not yet been volunteers for this TG, I decided to make a start at an outline on the Wiki [3], given that we have quite a bit of material from the DC-2011 Vocabulary Special Session.[4] This does NOT mean that I intend to do these guidelines by myself, but it seemed like a good first step and I certainly hope folks will look and comment, preferably on the list for now, and on the wiki as we move along. 


Parts 2 & 3 will be forthcoming, and as we have some volunteers already for those, I shouldn't have to beg for comments on those!
