

 I agree with Matt on this.  I've been on crit-geog for about 8 years, and the volume of crit-geog email is seldom excessive, usually in high-single figures per day.  Occasionally a topic 'takes off' and we get 30 or more a day; however, so long as the subject heading is kept, we can just delete all relating to a topic we don't want to get into.

As for articles being available elsewhere, I still don't see a problem with also fishing in the crit-geog pool as a parrallel sourcing method.  Can be a lot quicker than spending a couple of hours trawling other Internet sources, for a readable / downloadable / printable version that doesn't just give the abstract only.

And some of us can then see what others are researching -  and-  just occasionally - we might get to build some synergies here too.


Dr Hillary Shaw
Food and Supply Chain Management Department
Harper Adams University College
TF10 8NB



-----Original Message-----
From: Grace, Matt <[log in to unmask]>
To: CRIT-GEOG-FORUM <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 11:57
Subject: FW: Article r. - P. Hall "Creative cities ..." - GOT IT!

Dear all,

I am a little reticent to be sticking my head above the parapet on this issue, as it seems to irritate a lot of people. However, since the issue began circulating many months ago, I have been confused as to why requests for articles to the forum cannot be simply ignored if they are not to the readers liking. I understand that members might have issues with the concept of what such a forum 'should' be used for, but as discussion seems to have got us nowhere, perhaps simply ignoring requests which do not interest you is the answer. I personally do not have a problem with requests for papers, but also ignore them when I feel I might not be of any help. Of course, as a PhD student I may be subject to a lot less volume of daily mail in general that other subscribers, but still feel that a few request emails a fortnight does not constitute a particular issue.



From: A forum for critical and radical geographers [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Manuel Aalbers [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 10:56 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Article r. - P. Hall "Creative cities ..." - GOT IT!

Dear all,
A simple google search shows us that the paper can be downloaded for free at:
No subscriptions needed -- and no paper requests by e-mail needed.
This is true in roughly half of the paper requests sent to this list over the last few months.

2012/6/8 Soraia Silva <[log in to unmask]>

Thank you very much.
Soraia Silva

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Soraia Silva <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 2012/6/8
Subject: Article request - P. Hall "Creative cities and economic development"
To: [log in to unmask]

Hello everyone,
Could someone send me this article: Hall, P., "Creative cities and economic development", Urban Studies, 37 (4), 2000, 639-649 ?
It's a classical reading for my PhD thesis on urban competitiveness (well, I should have already read it), and my university doesn't have access to the online version of the journal and the printed volume is simply missing from the library (probably stolen, it's not that unusual, unfortunately).

Thank you in advance,
Soraia Silva


Manuel B. Aalbers, Ph.D.
University of Amsterdam 
Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies
Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 
1018 VZ  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Released April 2012: 
Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets