


You've got a long section section on callbacks and the associated
'type casting'.  It's useful to see, in order to contrast and compare,
the different ways it _could_ be done, but you've left out what is
arguably the 'best' way to do this in modern Fortran.

To adapt your example of an integration method, this would look
something like this.

module integrals

  use types, only: dp
  implicit none

  public :: integrand, simpson

  ! User extends this type
  type, abstract :: integrand
    procedure(func), deferred :: eval
  end type

  abstract interface
    function func(this, x) result(fx)
      import :: integrand, dp
      class(integrand) :: this
      real(dp), intent(in) :: x
      real(dp) :: fx
    end function
  end interface


  real(dp) function simpson(f, a, b) result(s)
    class(integrand) :: f
    real(dp), intent(in) :: a, b
    s = ((b-a)/6) * (f%eval(a) + 4*f%eval((a+b)/2) + f%eval(b))
  end function

end module

The abstract type prescribes exactly what the integration routine
needs, namely a method to evaluate the function, but imposes nothing
else on the user.  The user extends this type, providing a concrete
implementation of the eval type bound procedure and adding necessary
context data as components of the extended type.

Here's your usage example adapted to this better method:

module example_usage

  use types, only: dp
  use integrals, only: integrand, simpson
  implicit none
  public :: foo
  type, extends(integrand) :: my_integrand
    real(dp) :: a, k
    procedure :: eval => f
  end type

  function f(this, x) result(fx)
    class(my_integrand) :: this
    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
    real(dp) :: fx
    fx = this%a*sin(this%k*x)
  end function
  subroutine foo(a, k)
    real(dp) :: a, k
    type(my_integrand) :: my_f
    my_f%a = a
    my_f%k = k
    print *, simpson(my_f, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp)
    print *, simpson(my_f, 0.0_dp, 2.0_dp)
  end subroutine
end module

A second general comment about the website.  It would appear to present
itself as a consensus view of the Fortran community (especially given
the domain name.)  Until that time it actually does, I'd suggest making
it clear that you are the author and that the content really reflects
your views on the topic.  Nevertheless, I think that websites like this
would be immensely useful to the community, and I applaud you for your

Best regards,

On Mon, 2012-06-04 at 23:08 -0700, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to publicly announce a modern Fortran webpage that I have
> been working on for some time: