We will send the duplicates to the libraries interested.


Best regards.


Doubles juin 2012




Artreview n.5, 2006

Arearevue n.11

Arco contemporary art n.29, n.332, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 + spécial 2004

Arken bulletin 2004

Acne paper n.11

Beaux arts magazine n.296

Beaux arts hors série : les années pop

Cahiers du fonds national d’art contemporain n.9

Fisheye n.1

Janus n.21

Palais n.08, 11, n.14,



Agnès de Bretagne


Bibliothèque Kandinsky - MNAM/CCI

Centre Georges Pompidou

75191 Paris cedex 04


For up to date information on forthcoming workshops and free visits please see the online ARLIS/UK & Ireland Events Calendar 2012 at http://arlis.org.uk/