

Hello SPMers,

I am processing some EEG data for which I compute both a slow wave ERP and EEG alpha. I need to extract single-trial slow wave amplitude and EEG alpha power to do a within-subject (trial-by-trial) correlation between these variables for each condition. I am able to extract the single-trial slow wave amplitude, but having trouble with getting the EEG alpha power. After I convert the epoched data into alpha time-frequency domain (8-13 Hz), it seems that I need to perform 'convert2image' and average over 8 - 13hz frequencies to get the alpha time series. However, this processes 'rearranges' the epoch order and sorts them by condition type. This poses a problem for me because I need to extract the erp and alpha for each trial and both are now being extracted in different trial order. So, is there a way to either sort the epoched data by the condition or to prevent the convert2image function from sorting? Or, is there a better way to do this?   
